Terror in Paris
Dave Admire
Reviewed by Carol Hoyer for Reader Views (8/17)
“Terror in Paris” by Dave Admire is one of the most amazing, fictional stories about terrorist attacks on Americans overseas I have read.
Readers follow three criminal justice professors and students to France to learn more about the French criminal justice system. Two days after arriving the group is caught up in a horrific attack by extremist Muslims to bring France to its knees.
Admire’s skill in utilizing his knowledge about terrorists, their love of torture, power, and control adds suspense and danger for not only the American group, but for all living in France. The Muslims are seeking revenge on those whom they feel have slighted their beliefs, religion, and have continually persecuted them. Like events today, some groups feel they are cheated out of jobs, education, and often feel many have not given the respect they deserve due to ancestors being held as slaves or killed due to their religion.
Many times, I can feel authors focus on terrorist’s tactics, propaganda and governmental control issues, or denial of problems. Admire focuses on the resilience of individuals, survival, strength of friendship, and accomplishing what needs to be done, regardless of the risk, in order to help others.
Admire has an excellent ability to transport readers into a situation where they feel like they are right in the situation. Instead of being an armchair analyst, one is fighting for their life, trying to figure out how the world became this demented, and will look death in the eyes. Each of the characters is developed in such a way they become your neighbors, friends or loved ones. The dialogue is genuine, heart-pounding and very plausible.
The author was very insightful in presenting varied points of view from each faction, and for me, that was quite refreshing.
“Terror in Paris” by Dave Admire is one read that will capture your attention from the very first page, your heart will pound, you will fear for your life, and you won’t be able to put this book down.