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Young Voices from Wild Milwaukee: The Urban Ecology Center and Me


Gail Grenier

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This is a unique book for readers of all ages.

Children want to play outdoors, but many don’t know how. Some have asked, “Will walking on leaves hurt me?” This is a book full of stories about how youthful mentors helped kids dive into the wonders and secrets of nature, right in the middle of the City of Milwaukee.

The Urban Ecology Center transformed a degraded park which had been home to drug dealing and murder. And the UEC transformed lives. In this book, you’ll meet these people and more:

  • African American youth who love science
  • A once-angry and violent inner-city boy who became a leader at the Center
  • A young urban mother who was so depressed that she lived with her windows covered, until her sons took her to the UEC, where she found a community of caring people
  • A boy who had no voice until butterflies became his speech therapist
  • A maintenance worker who couldn’t identify a bird at first but who paid attention, learned, became a promoter of the Center, and in the process, grew closer to his children

 For those who fear what’s happening to our Earth, this book provides hope for the future. Our Earth is in the hands of young people; this book shows that our world is in good hands indeed.