K. J. Fairchild
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Why do pro-team sports fans have to pay so much to attend a game? Why do all TV viewers (fan and non-fan alike) have to pay cable bills bloated by sports network fees? And why do taxpayers have to pay for stadium or arena construction or outright operating subsidies? And while all these costs increase, why do fans have to watch game action constantly interrupted by commercials? And why do far too many fans have to tolerate their local team’s ongoing poor (or worse) team performance?
These are just a few of the issues K. J. Fairchild addresses in Fair Pay, Fair Play: Getting the Pro-Team Sports We Want at Prices We Can Afford.
All of them, he writes, derive from the monopoly status of pro-team sports leagues—the owner’s control of each community’s My Team and the cartel league’s control of their sport. Drawing on our country’s history of dealing with unregulated monopolies, he proposes solutions to these problems that deserve consideration—and action
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