Russell Tomar, MD
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From caring for the desperately ill to desperately seeking a cure, Dr. Russell Tomar entered a vortex initiated by an unknown, unnamed microorganism. This odyssey brought him into conflict with those who were unwilling to address a relentlessly unfolding international epidemic, subsequently named Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, or “AIDS.” His journey provides insights into the struggles between fact and ignorance, compassion and bigotry, fear and courage.
Ten times as many Americans have died from AIDS than succumbed in Vietnam. The social and economic fabric of whole communities and even countries has been destroyed by this epidemic. How did it happen that the United States and most of the rest of the world missed opportunities to limit the death march? Don’t Stop Dreaming provides insights into those past events that continue to shape th way we live our lives.
2931 S. 108th St. #190
Milwaukee, WI 53227
Phone: (608) 576-9747
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