Midwestern doctor shares ways to thrive with Type 2 Diabetes

WKOW – Madison

MADISON (WKOW) — Those who’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes may feel like their life is turning upside down but a Midwestern board-certified physician says it’s still possible to live well with the condition.

On Wednesday, Dr. Eno A. Nsima-Obot, a Chicago area physician, joined the Wake Up Wisconsin team to share tips on how to live a healthy life with Type 2 Diabetes.

Dr. Eno wrote a book titled, “Dr. Eno’s A-to-Z Guide To Thriving With Type 2 Diabetes” to help those living with the chronic disease.

“Being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is an invitation to adopting a healthy lifestyle,” says Dr. Eno. “It is possible to thrive despite being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and not just focus on the complications.”

Dr. Eno also mentioned that she will be giving a free presentation at the DeForest Area Public Library on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. The presentation will be held in the community room. Copies of Dr. Eno’s book will be available for purchase at the event.

To learn more about Dr. Eno and her book, click here.

Watch the clip here.

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