The NYC BIG BOOK AWARD recognizes
Playing Through The Fence by Mary J. Dowell
in the Self-Help: Motivational Category) as a distinguished favorite.

Playing Through the Fence by first-time author Mary J. Dowell, is part memoir, part self help for emerging leaders or anyone seeking inspiration in her career journey. The impetus for this book comes from a childhood memory shared in the preface, when a young white girl moved in next door in the author’s all-black neighborhood. The girls became friends but were only allowed (due to the times) to play on separate sides of the tattered wire fence that separated them. They found holes to successfully (and happily) play through for as long as the family lived there, and the author carries this metaphor to the challenges and opportunities she later faced in her career. Within a framework of concepts such as mentoring, networking and family support, nineteen women (including herself) share powerful reflections of perseverance as they challenged barriers in their paths to personal enrichment and career success.
In 2020, the NYC Big Book Award once again achieved worldwide participation. Entries remained strong during the worldwide pandemic. Book submissions streamed in from six continents and over 100 cities. Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America all participated. Across the globe, book entries poured in from places such as Budapest, Capetown, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York City, Port of Spain, Vancouver and Victoria to name a few. Winners were recognized globally from Australia, Canada, England, India, Singapore, Uganda and the United States of America among others.