Author Services

Award-winning HenschelHAUS Publishing offers the following personalized Author and Self-Publisher Support services:

Read about us here

  • Manuscript review / editorial needs assessment
    (based on manuscript word count and editorial needs). Please contact us for a quote.
    Self-Publisher Consulting — You’d like to do it yourself, AND save yourself time, money, and energy.)
  • Book Coaching and Hand-holding throughout the writing and publishing process
  • Full-Service Custom Publishing
    We would be happy to provide you with a quote. Each author and book is different and deserves personalized attention.
  • Editing (based on word count and editorial needs)
  • Proofreading (based on word count or page count)
  • Ghostwriting
    You tell us your story, we’ll clean it up and put it on paper through our Book Coaching services)
  • Design assistance
    Book cover and interior design. Our award-winning team of designers will create a book you can be proud of.
  • Galley reviews
    You’ve done your own design and would like to ensure that it’s as good looking as possible and meets the standards of Barnes and Noble
  • Distribution services for self-publishers
    We can help you make your book available to industry channels on consignment. (In case you didn’t know, many print-on-demand books are not accepted or ordered by bookstores).
  • Book marketing consulting
    Our team of specialists can help you get the word out about your book and develop other promotional activities
  • Author Business Plan Creation
    When you decide to become an author, it means going into business for yourself. We can help walk you through the process and design a plan to repurpose your materials through workshops, teleseminars, coaching, and more.

For your book or manuscript to be considered for publication by HenschelHAUS, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a website, or at a bare minimum, email. Tech-savvy and experience with FaceBook, LinkedIn, and other social media, are a plus. (We recommend for author website creation).
  2. Follow our manuscript submission guidelines.
  3. Be willing and able (physically, financially, and emotionally) to participate in getting the word about your book out to the market. HenschelHAUS is happy to work with you to develop a marketing plan.
  4. Submit a completed Author Marketing Questionnaire
  5. Please note: Any information you share with us shall be kept completely confidential. Your name or contact information will never be shared or sold.

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Kira Henschel, founder of
HenschelHAUS Books

Kira Henschel is available for private book coaching and self-publisher consulting.

Are you interested in self-publishing options? Save yourself time, money, and frustration – do it right the first time. Please contact Kira Henschel to find out more about book consulting services.